Welcome to Hair Shop Reviews, a review website dedicated in reviewing hair extensions and wigs in an unbiased way. You can read our authors’ hair extensions reviews as well as customers reviews. We don’t offer sponsored reviews. All reviews written by our authors are unbiased. Customers are invited in publishing their honest reviews about hair extensions they purchased online or in stores. Read online hair extensions reviews about different hair extensions and wigs stores such as Bellami Hair, Luxy Hair, Foxy Locks, Irresistible Me, Glam Seamless, Canada Hair, Bombay Hair, Clip Hair, Babe Things Hair, Cashmere Hair, Sally Beauty, and much more!
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Before buying hair extensions online, or really anything, be sure to always read hair extensions reviews online. Every hair extension company I’ve dealt with advertised how great their hair quality was. Unsurprisingly, those claims were most of the times exaggerated. I’ve had negative experiences with top hair extensions brands. There were also shady hair extension companies that literally scammed me. I’ve created this blog so that you can read genuine hair extensions reviews. Keep in mind that all reviews are honest. I’ve purchased all hair extensions being reviewed with my own money. This is important because most of the online reviews are fake! Indeed, it’s not rare to see hair extension companies sponsoring people into giving positive reviews. One of the most common tactic is called affiliate marketing. In other words, the person that is supposedly “reviewing” the product has a financial gain from making you buy the product in question. This is why most “reviewers” have coupons for you. How can they encourage you to buy a product but yet they claim that their review is honest? This makes no sense! A real, honest hair extension review should be done with no financial motivation. You will see this as a common problem with YouTube reviews. All these YouTubers giving positive review have “exclusive” coupons for you. Their reviews are fake and are only meant to make you buy from the company in question. On my website, you will find no coupons! Because all my reviews are honest.
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